About Rita Silvan

rita_8648_closeI’m a Toronto-based writer, editor, and life coach. Genetically predisposed to a love for beauty, it’s no surprise that I landed at FLARE magazine as senior editor, followed by a long and fruitful career at ELLE Canada where I helped launch the brand—the “World’s best-selling fashion magazine”— taking the role of editor-in-chief in 2001.

My decade at ELLE was high-octane. International travel? Check. Celebrity interviews? Check. TV appearances? Check. Magazine Awards? Check. Ghostwriting a bestseller? Check. More lipgloss than a girl can use in one lifetime? Check.

Luxury lifestyle publishing is one of the places I’ve happily called ‘home’ in my career. Yet I’ve always toggled between fashion and finance. And, as I get older and contemplate what my “retirement” will look like, finance—savvy financial planning, actually— is taking the lead. (‘Sorry Valentino!’)

In addition to covering fashion and beauty trends, over the years, I’ve written for various finance publications such as Moneysense and IE: Money; worked on communication campaigns for TD Wealth Management; drafted marketing campaigns for various investment fund companies; I even ghost-wrote a book on successful investing for a private investment firm.

In 2011 I finally took the plunge and completed the Canadian Securities, Wealth Management, and Financial Planning courses and will achieve my certificate in Retirement Strategy from CSI this summer. Initially I was intimidated. (So much math!) Now I wonder what took me so long. It’s incredibly empowering to learn the language and logic of money.

I don’t subscribe to the adage that the one who dies with the most money wins. My vote goes to famed investor Warren Buffett who says that the only reason we save and invest money now is to be able to have more of it to spend later! But, of course, to enjoy it, you have to have some it in the first place. This diary will address that particular sticky-wicket.

I used to think that I had to plant my flag in the fashion camp or the finance camp. But screw that, I’m mashing them up. To read my current musings about money and more, click here. To see more about my career stuff, click here.


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